Ed-Together CIC

Mission Statement

Ed-Together is a non-profit Community Interest Company that provides fun educational programmes, training workshops and resources for children, their families, and the wider community to help develop and nurture sustainable life skills. Our mission is to bring people together across communities so they can become co-learners to understand the issues and possible responses together.

Case Studies

Here are just a few of some of our educational behaviour change programmes delivered in communities.

Parents – Keeping Children Safe Online COVID-19

Online webinars
Funded: Sandwell Council

Many parents worry about what their children are doing online, yet very few know what to do. Developed in collaboration with Sandwell Council in response to the pandemic, we delivered a series of live webinars daytime and evening to frontline practitioners and parents on how to keep children safe online. Bespoke educational books were provided to all participants to continue the remote learning in the home and extend the reach of the programme.

“This has been excellent. Whilst staff are very much onboard, parents are always difficult to engage, but this approach of webinar with book has been such a revolution.”

“So much practical information and a lot I didn’t know. The book and parent guides are so helpful.”

“It has been a constant battle to try and engage with my daughter about what she is doing online and on her phone. It has been putting a great strain on our relationship and mental health. Today has been incredibly helpful.”

Healthy Lifestyles – Diabetes Workshops

Funded: Simon Ryde (Philanthropy)
In association with Saathi House women’s group, family members and support people came together to develop a greater understanding on pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes and living healthy lifestyles through a series of workshops. Situated in a multicultural community where for many, English is as additional language, participants openly engaged and had fun learning about carbohydrates, digestion, label reading, carbohydrate counting, sugars and adopting healthier actions in their daily lives. Bespoke resources enabled all attendees to confidently then share their learning at home and extend the reach of the programme to help prevent long-term complications

“Our community finds it difficult to engage with health issues due to language barriers. This will make a tremendous improvement to their lives.”

“I have started to reduce a lot of sugar now I know where it is in my food.”

“I have started to walk more and my family eat more healthy now by reducing the sugar and salts.”

Reducing your Carbon Footprint

Funded: Veolia (Social Values)
Children of Mere Green Primary School, Sutton Coldfield received their resources to take home and share their learning with their parents on how to reduce the family carbon footprint. School teachers came together for a series of training CPD workshops across Sutton Coldfield to engage with climate change and sustainability. The programme enabled schools to deliver engaging lessons to their pupils who then were able to confidently cascade the messages into their homes on vital issues to include energy, waste, consumption, water, sustainable transport, air pollution and growing projects.

“Engaging parents is key in helping to protect the planet. Our children will be very excited to share the activities at home and make a difference.”

“I am really impressed with the training and resources. Children understand the science, they just do not understand why the grownups are slow to act. This programme will definitely promote greener activities in school and at home.”

Developing Computer Literacy and IT Skills

Funded: Keith Bradshaw (Philanthropy)
Partnering with Sommerville School, Small Heath to deliver a series of training workshops for the local community to develop their digital literacy and I.T skills. Focus groups helped to identify, shape and design from the grassroots, a programme of works that was very much valued as high priority and customised to suit the needs of the participants.

“So glad I did this. It is helping me a lot with my online banking and forms that I am being sent.”

“I think workshops like this should be made much more often. I’m really happy that I came to learn this information.”

“We need this for the mosque. Very important help.”

Supporting Frontline Practitioners with Keeping Children Safe Online

Funded: Charles Stanley (Social Values)
Frontline practitioners came together at Edgbaston Golf course for a series of CPD train-the-trainer sessions on how to keep children safe online. At the end of course all participants gained the confidence, knowledge, and resources to engage parents and then their children on how to keep safe when using the internet, social media and playing online games.

“It was such a fun learning course on such an important subject, it’s given me so many great ideas how to tackle this subject with the families I work with.”

“I thought I knew but today I have learned such a lot. I am really looking forward to sharing this with my community group and their children.”

“Much of what happens online is affecting what is happening offline in our community. Thank you so much for providing this programme. Very much needed and appreciated.”

Football – Hate and Gangs

Funded: West Midlands Police Crime Commission
Parents and children were invited to participate in a fun 5-a-side football tournament at Goals, Perry Barr. In between matches they engaged in workshops to raise awareness on methods used by perpetrators who try groom young people to join gangs, county lines, stereotype, racism and hate. Bespoke resources designed to enhance parental engagement and start the process of having open and honest discussion at home on sensitive issues and prevention, were provide to all the children.

“The sessions were so informative and captured everyone’s attention. Many parents shared concerns and anxieties about the possible negative influences their children could face in the community and how to keep them safe. Not only has the programme really opened their eyes to the real dangers, it has helped to equip them with practical solutions and positive guidance.”

“If you do not agree with what a person is or looks like it doesn’t mean you can hate them. Every human person in the world is equal and has just as much right as the next person to be here and live their life.”

‘Clean for the Queen’ Litter Pick

Funded: Dennis Eagle (Social Values)
We delivered a series of Green Day activities and educational workshops to the community around The Full Gospel Tabernacle Church, Billesley, West Midlands, so residents could come together to learn, share, make friendships and develop skills to help make a positive environmental impact. Community members helped influence and shape the delivery of the project and the mobile classroom was a real crowd puller at the heart of the cleaning of the green spaces

“At first, I didn’t know anyone, but picking up the litter was so much fun than I thought it would be. It was nice to meet people and leave things tidy.”

“I didn’t think I was adding to the problem of climate change. I will start to recycle more and watch the amount I waste, now I understand more.”

“People feel happier and safer when the area is clean!”

Green Day Celebration Awards

Funded: Birmingham City Council and Veolia (Social Values)
Pupils of Little Sutton Primary School, Birmingham were very excited and proud to receive recognition from Birmingham City Council for becoming Birmingham’s Sustainable School of the Year. Children shared the work they had delivered in their community through lively presentations and music at the Birmingham Council House, Victoria Square.

“We had so much fun and the school fate was such a big hit with the clothes swap.”

“My parents were amazed at how much food we were actually wasting at home. From the savings we were able to buy a bike and trampoline.”

About Ed-Together

Ed-Together CIC is a non-profit community interest company that has a passion in developing educational resources designed to raise awareness, create behaviour change and enhance parental engagement. Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 13047413.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Ed-Together CIC
142 Newton Road
Great Barr
Birmingham B43 6BT

Office: 0121 227 1941
Email: contact@ed-together.co.uk